Susan Rich Sheridan, Ed. D. is the author of three books designed to help students of all ages grow as writers and readers.
The Scribble Hypothesis: Abstract and Research Notes.
The following were added after presentation:
Inaccurate “icons of science”.
A protein called scribble.
Isomorphism between proteins and children’s scribbles.
Infant Laughter, Toddlers’ Scribbles and the Metaphorical Three Year Old: Abstract.
Scholarly Abstracts
Scholarly Papers
Drawing/Writing: A brain-based writing program designed to develop descriptive, analytical and inferential thinking skills at the elementary school level, 1990 dissertation, UMASS School of Education doctoral program: Amherst, MA.
Scribbles: The Missing Link in a Bio-Evolutionary Theory of Human Language with Implications for Human Consciousness - Presented at poster session, "Towards a Science of Consciousness," 2004, University of Arizona Tucson.
A Theory of Marks and Mind: the effect of notational systems on hominid brain evolution and child development with an emphasis on exchanges between mothers and children- in press, Medical Hypotheses Journal, Leeds, UK, and presented in a keynote address on November 12, 2004 at the CAEA (California Art Educators' Association) conference in Riverside California.
Speaking in Tongues, or Glossolalia, consciousness states, and the mind/body benefits of fluent spiritual speech: Extending the purpose of linguistic experience - Presented at poster session, "Towards a Science of Consciousness" 2006, University of Arizona Tucson.
Popular Articles
Major Topics in the Publications
Professional Writing
2010: Saving Literacy: a guide for professional caregivers of children 10 months to 6 years.
2010: HandMade Marks: a manual for parents with children 10 months to 6 years.
2005: "A Theory of Marks and Mind: the effect of notional systems on hominid brain evolution and child development with an emphasis on exchanges between mothers and children," Medical Hypotheses Journal, V64(2):417-427. This article is downloadable with permission by Elsevier.
2004: "Scribbles: The missing link in a bio-evolutionary theory of language with implications for human consciousness," Toward a Science of Consciousness 2004, Tucson, abstract #209.
2003: "Scribbling, Drawing, Reading and Writing," Life Learning, a magazine for home schooling, January/February, 2003, pages 23-27.
2002: The Thinking Child: a handbook for parents. How Literacy starts at home with scribbling and drawing. The Drawing/Writing Program, Drawing/Writing Publications, Amherst, MA. For Parents: A quick overview of Neuroconstructivist theory and the 5-step Drawing/Writing practice.
2002: "The Scribble Hypothesis: Invisible brain building," Life Learning, July/August 2002, pages 10-12.
2002: "The Neurological Significance of Children's Drawings: The Scribble Hypothesis," Journal of Visual Literacy, volume 22, number 2, 107-128.
2001: "Very Young Children's Drawings and Human Consciousness," Toward a Science of Consciousness 2001, abstract #224, Skovde, Sweden.
1999: "Arts-based education in a technological society,” Focus alumni magazine, Westfield State College, Westfield, MA.
1997: Drawing/Writing and the new literacy: where verbal meets visual. A textbook for teachers. Drawing/Writing Publications:Amherst, MA.
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1993-1994: "The Valley Charter Middle School: Integrating Education and Health Care," a proposal accepted by the Massachusetts Office of Education
1993: "Wellness Work; Health Care, Arts and Technologies Providing Education, Training, Testing and Evaluation at the Community Level," an award-winning model in the America 2000 National Competition.
1992: "The Thinking Child: More like the World. An Holistic Model Combining Education and Economics," an award-winning proposal accepted by the America 2000 National Competition.
1991-1992: "Neurobiological Guidelines for Education," National Forum of Teacher Education Journal, vol. 1, 12-20.
1991: "Drawing/Writing and the Native American Middle School Student: Multi-Cultural Applications of a Brain Research-Based Writing Program," presented at New England Educational Research Conference, NEERO, Portsmouth, NH.
1990-1991: "Drawing/Writing: Effects of a Brain Research-Based Writing Program on Children’s Thinking Skills," National Forum of Teacher Education Journal, vol. 7, number 3, pp. 87- 100.
1990: "Drawing/Writing: A brain-based writing program designed to develop descriptive, analytical and inferential thinking skills at the elementary school level," dissertation, UMASS School of Education doctoral program:Amherst, MA.
1990: "Neurobiological guidelines for education," NFEAS Journal, Nova University, Alexandria, Louisiana.
1990: "Drawing/Writing: Effects of a Brain Research-Based Writing Program on Children's Thinking Skills," NFEAS Journal.
1990-1991: "Drawing/Writing: Effects of a Brain Research-Based Writing Program on Children’s Thinking Skills," National Forum of Teacher Education Journal, vol. 7, number 3, pp. 87- 100.
1990: “Drawing/Writing: Scope of a Brain Research-Based Writing Program. Developing Thinking Skills in an Age of Cognitive Pluralism. Generalizing Special Education,” presented at Orton Society National Conference, Washington, D.C.